N°12, December 2020
In Brittany, France
Creation of the Breton foundation dedicated to the preservation of the environment.
Breizh Biodiv is the name of this foundation officially launched on December 15 by Loïg Chesnais-Girard, president of the Brittany region, and Nicolas Hulot, honorary president of the Foundation for Nature and Human (FNH). This tool is set up to allow the financing, at the local level, of actions carried out in favor of the environment, whether private or public. This foundation is financially innovative. Indeed, it mixes private and public participation in order to involve companies in the transition to carbon neutrality. The 1st call for projects will be launched in January 2021 with a theme: “biodiversity and forest”. This call for projects should allow the planting of 5 million trees in Brittany by 2025. [1] [2]
Nicolas Hulot, honorary president of the Foundation for Nature and Human (FNH), and Loïg Chesnais-Girard, president of the Brittany region, launch Breizh biodiv. (Le Télégramme/Claire Staes)
Creation of a national police force (gendarmerie in France) unit dedicated to environmental damage
The Côtes-d'Armor gendarmerie group has just created this departmental unit for environmental and public health attacks (CAESP). The premises are located in Perros-Guirec, north of Lannion. This team of gendarmes led by their chief, Matthias Choquet, is responsible for hunting sales of prohibited items such as ivory or fur items that come from protected animals. In addition, they are particularly attentive to the sale of phytosanitary products banned on websites such as Leboncoin. [3] The scope of action of these gendarmes is extremely wide with 25 different regulations in which the gendarmerie can be competent. The creation of such a gendarmerie unit is unique in France but many other departments are interested, particularly in Ile-de-France. This cell is only an experiment until July 1, 2021, but it is already bearing fruit with around 40 legal proceedings already initiated. [4]
Asked by the Conservatoire du Littoral, the gendarmes come to carry out the observations on the ground • © Fabrice Leroy - France Télévisions
In France
The State proposes two projects for sustainable fisheries
As part of the recovery plan, the government is launching two calls for projects. On the other hand, a project aimed at people working in the aquaculture and fisheries sector on more sustainable fishing. The first stage will begin at the end of January 2021, and a second stage in the middle of the year 2021. Secondly, a project aimed at the environmental and energy performance of vessels involved in aquaculture and fishing. Interested parties will submit their project proposals from the beginning of 2021 to the end of April 2021. The budget of France for aquaculture and fisheries is 50 million Euros. [5]
Pixabay Picture
2020, the hottest year ever recorded in France
"The average annual temperature of 2020 was 14°C since the beginning of the measurements in 1900," said Météo France. It exceeds the previous temperature record (13.9°C in 2018). With the hottest February on record, hottest month ever recorded, hot weather throughout the year, a great heat wave in late July and early August and even in December 2020, where temperatures were mild between 14 and 24 December except June and October, 2020 was recorded as the hottest year. Also, 9 of the 10 years with the warmest temperatures belonging to the 21st century, 7 of them to the last decade. Two new evidences that show that climate change exists. On a planetary scale this is what the World Meteorological Organization also predicted for the year 2020. [6]
Météo France Picture
CO2 emissions down for 2020
2020 will have seen a record drop of over 7% in CO2 emissions. This corresponds to a decrease of 2.4 billion tons from 2019. This is an unprecedented reduction exceeding any occasional decline recorded in recent decades. The Covid-19 pandemic which has strongly impacted human activities plays a major role in this.
The peak of the decrease was recorded in the spring when lockdowns increased around the world. Compared to the previous year, the decrease was 17%. Globally, the largest drops were recorded in the United States, the European Union and India.
We can talk about climate respite, but it might not last long. Until then, decreases in greenhouse gas emissions have always been followed by resuming increases. [7]
The results of deforestation in the Amazon have fallen
Between 2005 and 2018, this is the equivalent of the area of Spain that the Amazon rainforest lost due to deforestation and human activities. This corresponds to 513,016 km2, or 8% of the total area of the rainforest.
If the peak of deforestation was reached in 2003 before a drop was observed, the trend has started to rise again in recent years, when fires, mining activities and infrastructure projects are on increase.
However, it has been observed that areas affected by fires can regenerate. [8]
Sources :
1. Article Région Bretagne : « Breizh Biodiv, la fondation bretonne dédiée à la préservation de l’environnement » publié le 15/12/20 :
2. Article Le Télégramme « À Rennes, Nicolas Hulot lance la fondation Breizh biodiv en faveur de l’environnement » publié le 15/12/20 :
3. Article France 3 Bretagne « Quand la gendarmerie protège l'environnement, une initiative bretonne qui pourrait faire école » publié le 23/12/20 :
4. Article Le Télégramme « Environnement : une cellule d’enquête judiciaire testée en Côtes-d’Armor » publié le 13/12/20 :
5. Article Environnement Magazine « Le gouvernement lance deux appels à projets pour la pêche », publié le 23 Décembre 2020, adresse URL :
6. Article Le Monde « 2020 est l’année la plus chaude jamais enregistrée en France selon Météo-France », publié le 29 Décembre 2020, adresse URL :
7. Article Le Monde << Avec la crise du Covid-19, baisse record de 7 % des émissions de dioxyde de carbone en 2020 >> publié le 11/12/2020 :
8. Article l’Obs « L’Amazonie a perdu la surface de l’Espagne en 18 ans » publié le 18/12/2020 : perdu-la-surface-de-l-espagne-en-18-ans.html ://
Written and formatted by GORIUS Noé, HUREL Clarisse and HORBOWA Antoine